Green Fees - Murcar Course
Weekdays £165 Per Person
Saturday/Sunday £190 Per Person
Day Ticket 1 Round Murcar Championship/1 Round Strabathie £195 Per Person (Monday to Friday Only)
Green Fees - Strabathie Course
Weekdays 9 Holes £20 - 18 Holes £35
Saturday/Sunday 9 Holes £30 - 18 Holes £40

Scottish Golf Club Members Green Fee Rate – Available to a member of a Scottish Golf Club with a valid CDH Number. Further details available by calling the office.

Introduction of Guests

There are no restriction to the number of guests a member may introduce in a month.

Any guest may only be introduced twice per calendar month whether by one or more members.

Reduced Winter Rates will be in operation from November 2024 to March 2025.

Please contact the Secretary in order to discuss these matters further, using the form below, or by Tel/Fax +44 (0) 1224 704354